Happy Birthday

We celebrated Georgia Birth Network's (GBN) 4th Birthday today with a picnic at Red Top Mountain State Park. We had such fun with everyone. It was great to meet some new people and to catch up with some old friends.

As usual I had my camera with me and captured the events of the day. Though it was warm and humid everyone had a great time. Thanks to all that came out and all that donated door prizes. We had a lot of prizes and lots of FREEBIES for all.

Emma helped out by donating some prizes for the kids and doing a lot of face painting, she had fun and was really excited to see some of her friends.

Here are some of my favorite pictures!  Including the cake (before it melted! which I did not get a picture of)

The rest of the images are in the slideshow below (click the image to start it playing!)

The images in the slideshow are also in a gallery at www.pictage.com/520440.  I hope everyone had a great time! I can't wait for next year!

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