Halloween Fun!

Yesterday was full of fun and fantasy.  After a quick trip to the store for 2 blocks of dry ice,  I had the opportunity to spend the day with Emma at school helping her teacher with science activities with a halloween theme.

The first experiment was to see if you could blow up a balloon with just a piece of dry ice in a test tube.   Yes it does, and the longer you wait the bigger it gets!

The favorite of the kids was to put some dry ice & a little water in a cup and put an airtight lid on it, and watch what happened...  (note all participants were wearing safety glasses!)

Emma did not have a halloween shirt and made her own, our little fashion designer.  She took a sheet of labels and drew on it and then pinned it on securely.

trapped CO2 caused a bit of a bang!

the lids deformed right before flying off, sometimes whole, sometimes in pieces!  The kids were a bit sad that we ran out of lids.

Another experiment was to have the dry ice blow a bubble, it looks so cool, but was even more fun in person watching the gasses swirl inside the bubble soap.

if you got too much bubble soap in the dish with the dry ice it made "brain bubbles" that would pop in a puff of "smoke"

Sometimes it would bubble and burst like a swamp in a science fiction movie.

The experiment Mrs. Melton & I were not so fond of, touch a metal object to the piece of dry ice and listen, it was far worse than fingernails on chalkboards!  Thankfully, paperclips freeze fast!

We had to have a snack befitting the day...  Smoking Pond Scum Punch served from a scary bowl

And cake (yes it was wonderfully good!) that kinda both grossed and excited the kids!

After school it was time to get dressed in her costume and go trick-or-treating.  Emma designed her costume this year.  She found a pair of black & blue fairy wings and made a tutu to go with them, added combat boots, fishnets and a top and shorts from dance class and you had a "dark fairy".  I helped with hair and makeup to complete the transformation.

She had a great time with her friends and thankfully shared the loot!  While editing the images, Emma wanted to do some herself, so this is her contribution to the images.  A "glamour" version! I need to train her some more so she can help edit images for us!

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