Bold Red Tent Event

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being involved with the BOLD Red Tent Event sponsored by the North Atlanta Homebirth Meetup Group.  It was a day of sharing stories and support.  The first part of the day was a showing of a film and vendor tables, after a time to eat and socialize the ladies were invited into the 'red tent' to share their stories.

I was happy to bring my camera along to help document the stories of these women, some of them had amazing stories of strength, courage and inspiration.  It was wonderful to see that most of us are very similar.  Stories of our journey into motherhood is one that both amazes and bonds us.

As we got started in the tent, we all introduced ourselves while holding onto a ball of red yarn, passing it around the room connecting us with a web of red.  (the spiders that decided to join us must have thought the web was for them)

Then ladies took turns sharing their stories, from not so normal hospital births to homebirths, joys and sorrows were shared.  Some of  stories were just amazing and a number of these women are stronger than I think I could have been.

Being in the tent was fun and Holly was painting some of the women with designs, here she is photographing her design on Amy.

Amy is an artist and does henna work which she was applying to some of the ladies, I will have to have her do some for me soon, her work was beautiful.  She even was decorating a belly cast at the event.

Of course the babies needed to be attended to affording me some great nursing pictures and images of some of the darling babies that were there

My buddy, Roman was very interested in the goings on.  I can't believe how big he has gotten!

Baby Carly, was excited to get mom's bracelet away from her!

Once everyone that wanted to share their stories had finished, Amy treated us to a belly dance lesson.   

It was a wonderful day, It was great meeting up with some old friends and making some new ones.  Enjoy the slideshow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! What lovely pictures:) This is Sarah - from the Tent. You've got some fantastic shots of all of us, including my son, Bastian, in the slideshow. Is there a way to save the slideshow? I'd love to have it to watch again or at least the individual shots of all of us.